Thursday, March 7, 2013

Create a booklet: Practices of WWI, Key themes of Paper 2

Hi people,
This is what you will be working on today, Friday and you should work on it during the weekend and then again on Tuesday. Presentations start on Thursday.

Practices of WW1: Research and present an aspect of the First World War

Aim: To produce a booklet about Practices of WWI, centred around the key themes of Paper 2 (Causes, Practices and Effects of Wars)

Key themes of this assignment (following Paper 2, Topic 1 guidelines), Nature of 20th century wars:
  • technological developments, tactical developments
  • the home front
  • the economic and social impact of war
  • Resistance and revolutionary movements

What to do:

Aim: To produce a class booklet about Practices of WWI, centred around the key themes of Paper 2. (Make sure you do a good job because this booklet will be used for revision in Year 12.)

Develop a research question:
  • Formulate a research question for your topic, using the IB History command terms i.e. analyse, assess etc (see below) (also see for inspiration, hit CTRL F to find a key word)
  • Try to mimic a Paper 2 exam question.
  • In your report, you should address the question, but this is not an essay; the function of your report is to provide information, facts, historiograpy & historians if you can find it.

Text and presentation guidelines:
  • You will present your research in a document no longer than two A4s.
    Guidelines for text:
      • Give it a clear title
      • Use clear headings and sub headings
      • Strictly no more than 2 A4, be succinct.
      • Keep your text clear and concise; this is for a review booklet for your fellow students.
      • Include maps, graphs and illustrations  where appropriate.
      • Font no smaller than 10 points.
      • Margins no closer than standard default margins. (2.54 x 3.17)
      • Use Footnotes to reference the source of your information.
  • You will present your topic to class
  • Guidelines for presentation
    • Presentations should be about 5 minutes long
    • Presentations should be accompanied by a visual PPT, no big slabs of text.
    • You must use PPT to support your presentation:
      • You must not read off your PPT , have cue cards, make it interesting.
    • Limited time will be provided for comments and questions at the end of each presentation

You will be given 3  lessons (Today, Friday and after long weekend) to research and construct your presentations. You should work on this during the long weekend. There will be one more lesson AFTER the long weekend to finalise your work, and then we start presenting.

Presentations will be assessed using the follow criteria:
  • Quality of research question posed
  • Evidence of detailed research (use of examples/evidence)
  • Depth of understanding/making of connections
  • Clarity of presentation (ie. explanations/arguments offered/used)

Technological and tactical developments

  1. The role of air power in WWI (Allies and Germans)
Alex, Bruce
  1. What is total war? The extent to which the WWI was a “total war”? 
  1. How technological developments (in weapons) changed the nature of warfare during WWI
Catriona, Chilli
  1. How naval warfare was used in WWI
  1. The difference between  warfare on the Western Front and the Eastern Front
John, Jules
  1. Use and effectiveness of land based weapons: Gas, Tanks, Barbed wire, Machine Guns, Trenches, Mines. How was each weapon used by both Allies and Germans. Was it effective? Why or why not? (Use dot points)
Will O, Will EG
Home front

  1. The contribution made towards the war effort by civilians on the home front 
  1. The use and effects of propaganda in WWI
  1. How WWI affected the role and status of women on the home front
Economic and social impact of war

  1. The economic impact of the war on France, UK and Germany.
Matt, Miranda
  1. The social impact of the war on France, UK and Germany.
Nathan, Ned
Resistance and revolutionary movements

  1. How the Russian Revolution influenced the course of the WW1.
Noli, Olivia

IB History Command Terms.

 Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or  structure.
Give an account of the similarities between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout.
Compare and contrast
Give an account of similarities and differences between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout.
Give an account of the differences between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout.
Give the precise meaning of a word, phrase, concept or physical quantity.
Give a detailed account.
Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence.
Make clear the differences between two or more concepts  or items.
 Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations.
Consider an argument or concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions and interrelationships of the issue.
 Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.
Provide an answer from a number of possibilities.
 Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion.
To what extent
Consider the merits or otherwise of an argument or concept. Opinions and conclusions should be presented clearly and supported with appropriate evidence and sound argument

Before you begin, make sure you read all these instructions carefully. If you have any questions AFTER you’ve read and reread every letter on this sheet, then please email me.

On the attached Word Doc you'll find a template.

Does anyone in the class know about the wonders of using the Headings in Word? Anyone? If you use Headings, you can easily make a table of contents. (See Template below) Remind me to show you how that works next time, it a very handy feature. I am also assuming you know how to insert a Footnote in Word.  If you don’t, find someone in class who does.

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