What we did today:
We worked through the concepts of Hitler’s consolidation of power. There is a document here:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zGBScCieERJshGD-UvSgQeBnMCxwKCjgu-bzO5yJuYc/edit# (In Germany folder).
This is a great document. It has lots of information as compiled by the ones-who-stayed. You need to take this information and make it your own.
We are going to move through domestic policies pretty quickly. One week to be exact. You will be doing a similar group project as you did for Mao. There will be a booklet (as decided by the ones-who-stayed, as were the groups)
Compare and contrast Mao’s China and Hitler’s Germany domestic policies
1. Women Chilli, Catriona, Liam, Alex
2. Culture and Arts Eric, Bruce, Miranda
3. Treatment of the opposition Luther, Nathan, Will O
4. Education and Health Will EG, Noli, Jules
5. Religion Olivia, Max, Matt,
6. Economy John, Ned, Andie
For each:
- What, when, why, how etc?
- Aims, success? Weaknesses/failures associated with the policy?
- Historians if possible (add it to this doc too: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ajn4b01DqAu5dGkyQ25sMVppX0pfZzRqZjIyZFhaeHc&usp=drive_web#gid=0, this is also in the Germany Folder)
- Key similarities and key differences with Mao’s China. Use the booklet you made to access this information: https://drive.google.com/?usp=chrome_app#folders/0Bzn4b01DqAu5TmJPbTBCVnZvSDg (China folder; Life in Mao’s China folder)
No more than 2 x A4 per topic. Clear headings, themes, concepts, dot points.
Your key source of information should be your textbook, mainly Chapter 3.
This is due Monday, please email it to me.
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