Task 1
On Thursday, have your group work all done. Send it to me on Wednesday or early Thursday so I can put it together. Instructions here: http://yesibhistory.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/consolidation-of-hitlers-consolidation.html
Task 2
Your second homework is connected to the power point. Go through all the slides, including the ones we didn’t get around to in class.
Your first task is:
Finish these dot points:
- The Hitler-centred view, the view argued soon after the war by historians like … (+ Add 2 dot points explaining this view and / or paraphrasing of historians’ quotes) i.e. Hitler the absolute centre of the regime, Hitler responsible for all decisions.
- The intentionalist view, argued in the 1960s and 1970s by historians like ….. (+ Add 2 dot points explaining this view and / or paraphrasing of historians’ quotes)
- The structuralist view, argued in the 1960s and 1970s by historians like (+ Add 2 dot points explaining this view and / or paraphrasing of historians’ quotes)
- The 'working towards the Fuhrer' view, argued by historians like (+ Add 2 dot points explaining this view and / or paraphrasing of historians’ quotes)
- Find some quotes here: tiny.cc/hitlerhistoriography or find some more elsewhere and add them to the document.
Then go to your textbook and find the Chapter “The political structure of the third Reich”, go to the end and find “The Key Debate”. (I can’t give you page numbers because I have an old edition). Forgetting your book at school is not an excuse, here is the Google Book online.
1. Skip: “Nazism, a tool of capitalism”
2. Read and take notes for “Nazi Germany: a model of totalitarianism” Answer this question: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state?
3. Read and take notes for “The third Reich: A polycracy” Answer this question: Define Polycracy and describe why the Third Reich was described as such. (Note: Dualism and Polycracy are sometimes used interchangeably)
Good luck, email me if you have questions.
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