Thursday, May 9, 2013

Class work for today: 1920 - 1925

Long term causes of WW2
Last lesson we did the "Master Categories" (MEEP!) We'll finish them off quickly.

Then we will look at some of the long term causes in more detail.
You'll work in teams of two on your assigned "event".
Paste your description in the shared word doc.

Chapter 6: Reconciliation and disarmament 1924 – 1930
Attempts at improving international relations: Where they successful?
Washington Naval Conferences (1921-2) (Ch 5)
The Ruhr Occupation (1922) (Ch 5)
Genoa Conference and Rapallo Treaty (1922) (Ch 5)
Dawes Plan (1924)
Locarno Treaties (1925)
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Young Plan
World Disarmament Conference

In groups of two, prepare an overview along these lines. If using the textbook, include page references. If you find any valuable websites, include them too. You will have to briefly talk through your description in front of the class. You CANNOT just read out what you've written, you have to explain it to the class.

Paste it all here: 
  • Description of event / policy:
  • Stakeholders (who was there: countries / politicians):
  • What happened / what was decided?
  • To what extent did it positively or negatively impact on International relations?

You will later complete the quiz here:

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