Friday, May 3, 2013

Work for in class and homework for Monday

Your tasks  – to be finished by Monday -  consists of an historical reading and using your textbook to answer key questions.

On top of the cabinet you will find a stack of handouts, a chapter by Historian Ruth Henig on the causes of WW2.

Read "Ruth Henig, The Origins of the Second World War"
Note: Do not just highlight. It is far more efficient to take little notes in the margins, putting the information in your own words. On Monday I'd like to see your scribbles all over that document. 
  • What is A.J.P. Taylor's explanation of the causes of WW2 and why do you think many historians have discredited it?
  • As you read, make a list of long term causes of WW2 as explained by Henig.

Chapter 7 in your textbook, The Democracies on the Defensive 1930 -1936
Photocopy or copy 'Points to Consider' and the 'Key dates' at the start of the chapter.

Answer these key questions in dot points and key words or in any way that works for your brain.

  1. What impact did the Great Depression have on the international situation?
  2. What legacy in foreign policy did Bruning, Papen and Schleicher leave Hitler? (Make sure you know who these men are too)
  3. What were the aims of Nazi foreign policy and what had Hitler achieved by 1935?
  4. What were Hitler's immediate priorities?

Dot pointed: Who what when why where how for:
  • German Polish Non-aggression Pact
  • German rearmament
  • Stresa conference

See you on Monday.

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